Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Hashimotos Protocol.

 This Hashimoto's thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease protocol has been tested and results were a success.

In this protocol, the client had the most harsh conditions in life, with lack of regular and sufficient sleep for over a month.  Processed foods daily, stress, and most likely was pregnant at the time of the results test.

The test found thyroid function was back to "optimal" as confirmed by their doctor.  After only 10 weeks.

Complete optoimal thyroid function devoid of any markers of the disease.

This protocol included.

Zinc glycinate


Methyl B-12 (not cyano)

Beef organ meat supplement 



MBW proprietary movement "protocols"

Daily Lemon water, sea salt and MBW proprietary "Tonic"

MBW Proprietary "coffee recipe" 4 times weekly.

Carnivore based diet. 75% roughly.  Mainly red meat and pork products along with eggs.

Through a couple simple changes to supplementation and diet, exercise, etc.  Clients had a massive success.  

Time Stamped 7/3/24

Full protocols recipes and dosages will be made available at a later date.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Prevention is KEY. Your MBW guide to CV Living.

As many know around the globe.  I heal people, I find solutions to problems have very little options for fixes.  I had one of my many "remedy dreams" last night and wanted to share with everyone.

A quick note of what a "Remedy Dream" is (best as I can describe it).  When a really tough problem faces a client, or in this case, the world.  I put all the factors together.  Face up to all the problems/factors within the issue.  I mull it over constantly while awake.  Then I will wake up with  a protocol slamming my brain.  Then I put it on paper or blog based on a dream message.  So contained in this message is a couple of links and a supplement protocol and some tips for relaxation as well as mindfulness.

This is not a sales call BTW.  The products suggested here are here because I have tested, relentlessly for decades and these are by far the best and made by people that actually care about people not jus their bottom line monetarily.  It is very important to note that the products mentioned aren't a necessity I am merely telling what I know works and works the best in my educated opinion.  You can order it all online so you don't have to go out in public keeping the spread of the disease to a minimum... DO YOUR PART

Also the big fat disclaimer.  DO NOT take this a medical advice!  It is intended as a guide to healthier living that just so happens to help lung function and has for decades.  I hold not responsibility for anyone not consulting their primary care physicians on their medical issues prior to trying this guide. The disclaimer is at the top of this, NOT hidden deep in the bottom for a reason.  I have earned my credentials over my career but am not a DR.  Enjoy people.

Its about prevention. 

MesoSilver nebulized and orally.
Body heat over 102-104 daily for 5-10mins prolonged.
Lots of Vitamins
Food Grade Peroxide therapy if accessable.

This is my friend's company. We can't say how we know this works but lets just say a very infectious disease was remedied from this specific product.  Its these specific colliodal metals and his process that makes them work so well.

The mesoSilver-
-1tsp x4 per day orally.
-6ml in a nebulizer 2x per day.  (You 100% need a nebulizer, humidifiers don't work)

-2000-5000mg vitC intervenus is better.
-Vit B,C,D,Mag glycinate, high dose zinc, quercetin.  Alteast once per day each.

Magnet.  Stronger the better.  Kitchen magnet(s) will do.  Put on around chest over lungs for at least 5-10 mins daily.  Lay flat on the ground and put the magnets on your chest or lay face down and put them on your upper/middle back or both. If you feel any tingling or heat that is uncomfortable take them off.  The job is done.  This varies for everyone so just feel it out.

“FOOD GRADE” Peroxide (not the brown bottle crap from cvs) Has to be FOOD GRADE.  DO NOT CONSUME THE PHARMACY PEROXIDE IN THE BROWN BOTTLE.  Food grade peroxide can be found at the website, as follows.
3 drops in 4 oz of water, 3x per day on an empty stomach.  
Same as day1 but with 4 drops.
Same as previous 2 days but with 5 drops.
**Continue until you are at 10 drops 3x/day.  

I personally do this up to 10 drop day then I go back down a drop each day until the 5 drop day.  Then back and forth through a 5 day cycle.  ie: 5drop day, 6 drop day, 7 drop day, 8 drop day, 9 drop day, 10 drop day... 10D, 9D,8D,7D,6D,5D.  feel free to take 2 days off if you wish.

For anxiety and mental issues associated with hard times we always support for all of our protocols for so many reasons.  The NanoBombs are great for a hot bath (SEE NEXT SECTION).  All of these products are built to help aches and pains associated with inflammation as a whole.  The CV is inflammation of the lungs so...

Sweat atleast once per day.
Get body temp over 102 degrees for atleast 5-10 mins strait.  WORKOUT, get sweaty, it doesn't matter just sweat for more than 10 minutes a day.  The more the better.  Using "Sweet Sweat" is used to flush the system.  It helps get that massive seat going all over the body.  The point her his to SWEAT, however you wish to do this.  Also is a spectacular way to get your sweat on in a confined space, even just walking around in this thing gets you a killer workout.  

Drink water.  Now usually I would say to get your hands on and I still do as it will help used up liquids get out of the system just as much as it benefits cellular hydration.  But, water will do, keeping a urine stream that is very light yellow will be the indicator here.  Having to use the restroom more that usual to urinate is good and helps flush the system of toxins that the body needs to elimiate.

'MOVEMENT IS LIFE"  Move, stretch, roll around on the ground.  This is the most important thing to me.  Your body wants to move.  Stretch, do yoga, move your big toes.  (Listen to "The Adventure Stache" on iTunes by Payson Mcelveen episode 19  to hear about the "big toe")  But seriously, movement flushes metabolic waste and used up blood, lymph etc. from the body.  Movement clears your system.  This is a very important step for everyday life.  It may seem like a hassle but you need to care for your body.  

Meditation.  We must all get ahold of our minds right now.  This is always a good proactice for life anyways but the 5 mins, set an alarm 1-3 times daily and just sit and focus on filling your lungs and exhale completely.  Have a conversation with your body and tell it this...

 "These times are hard, you can heal yourself, no need to panic or worry, we got this"!

We can all do these things.  It seems like a lot on paper but it does not require too much time nor effort.  Right now we have a lot of time to take care of ourselves so getting in habit now is easy for when this is all over.  The hope is that everyone will learn healthy ways to boost their own immune system, move better, be out of so much pain and maybe just maybe a little less angst and depression when this all resolves.

Be nice, we are all in this together.

Any questions just ask!  I heal, I cant help it.  Direct all email inquiries to

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Cannabis Powered Athlete

The Cannabis Powered Athlete-

In the high pressure, demanding world of professional athletics.  There are pros, the elites and the legends.  Before the body was the primary concern for athletes to perform at their best, only the legends and some elites used cannabis products (Hemp or Marijuana derived).  Why you ask?  Well we will go into more detail about this throughout this blog.  We are about to dive into the wonderful world of cannabis for athletics.

It may be assumed that athletes push themselves to the brink of injury to achieve greatness.  What is not well understood is the quantitative amount of discomfort and pain the athletes go through on a minute to minute basis.  Even further from the public eye is how they deal with it.  For the people at they believe the hidden trick of the pain management and recovery game is the cannabis plant, its individual cannabinoids and the technique to taking them.  Their formulas aren't just about the cannabis, it is about the synergy of all the ingredients to give the athlete that peak experience inside and out of the arena.

Cannabis has a couple of forms but the most well known are "Hemp" and " Marijuana".  Mary is the psychoactive one (it alters your senses) and Hemp which does not.  Usually athletes will use hemp derivatives because they do not contain THC (active psychoactive compound) THC is illegal in all sport governing bodies.  Also they do not wish to be altered or "stoned/high".  Some may but that is a different article.  The use of cannabis has been tucked away, away from the public in the past but now it is time to bring it to the forefront and athletes around the globe are leading the way.

The main compounds that athletes look for are CBD,CBG,CBC,CBN,CBL.  All of which have so many benefits to the body.  Most widely known is CBD.  CBD has been found to help with inflammation, anxiety, sports anxiety, headaches, muscle soreness, aches, pains, stress, etc.  Seems fitting that athletes, as well as all humans, can benefit from the effects of these cannabinoids.

In our experience of over a decade here at working with the biggest name, champions of the entire sports world.  We have found that cannabinoids have such a profound effect on recovery and also preventative maintenance that they have partnered with to develop formulas specially to enhance the recovery experience for athletes along with being completely within legal guidelines for all sport venues.  

The benefits are profound and the best part is that cannabis such has "Hemp Extract" CBD helps athletes recover faster, lower the risk of injury, substantially helps with pain management and assists in the healing process from injury without the use of addictive pharmaceuticals.  Imagine being able to train at your limit and recover faster so you can hit it again the next day just as hard.

According to the best time to use the products are at night time when you have finished a training session or hard day at work.  Consuming the anti-inflammatory capsules before bed will help you sleep and recover while sleeping.  Not to mention that the best time for the body to heal from stresses of all kinds is when you sleep.  Another unique thing is a "NanoBomb" which is a nano-particle CBD bath bomb.  These little babies pack  massive punch to sore tired muscles.  They work even better in Ice bath which previously you could not add anti-inflammatory ingredients to since the molecules won't absorb into the water.  This is a game changer, we have all had an ice bath.  Why not make that ice bath even more beneficial to your achy, beat up body.  This benefits the overall wellness of the athlete and the tired everyday human in such amazing ways.

Inflammation to an athlete is the constant battle all athletes and humans face.  Inflammation causes so much damage to the body not just in the short term but in the long term as well.  Imagine a life where you don't hurt from inflammation.  This is the biggest reason athletes are turning to cannabis products.  Who better to trust than the people who walk the journey with them to greatness.

The Cannabis Powered Athlete is the new age of athletics.  The surface has just been scratched.  The patent pending formulas at are truly the athletes choice just take a look at to see who just might be a believer in Masterbodyworker's suggestions.  

We only aim to better the human experience by developing easy protocols that work for athletes as to say, "If it works for athletes, just imagine what it will do for you".  (this also happens to be the title of the next blog entry).  Check out the sites, they are the next evolution of the human experience.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"Feet, Cheeks & Blades!" Simple Postural Solution

Disclaimer:  This blog is meant for informational purposes only.  Masterbodyworker blog reflects the opinions and experience of the author.  In no way is this meant to take the place of any fitness training or rehabilitation programs the reader is  already engaged in.  Enjoy the information and please post comments or topic suggestions and we will gladly try and address each one.  Thanks for reading.

Introducing the name of my new book"Feet, Cheeks & Blades"!!   This book has come a long way and is still being revised and checked over so that there are no mistakes before publishing.  This revolutionary posture solution will be available for purchase in the coming weeks at along with all of our other awesome products that I use with all of my professional athletes and everyday clients alike.  

The basis behind "Feet, Cheeks & Blades" is a long time coming.  I had struggled with finding an easy and least time consuming way to get my athletes and clients to do their homework. Homework in case you were wondering is what the client needs to do on their own time to remedy chronic imbalances in their body.  

I was standing in my bathroom just out of the shower and had noticed that I needed to straighten my feet as I have instructed so many people before because yes even the person who developed this has to check themselves regularly.  I then squeezed my cheeks and my arches came up a bit, I tried this with outward (laterally) rotated feet and the arches seemed to want to go strait into the ground.  I straitened them up again and "viola" arches came up and my low back felt a slight bit of relief.  This is what some would call a "eureka" moment.  So I added the blades part and took a deep breath.  From this I felt more.., "balanced" in gravity.  For that brief moment my body felt like it was supposed to be in that position.  Thus the beginning of "Feet, Cheeks & Blades" was born.  I have used this on thousands of clients as a basis of personal treatment and posture awareness.  

In no way is this going to fix all of your problems with your body.  Usually a person will need a professional to do this, like a fascial stretch therapist, bodyworker, or movement specialist to really balance you out.  This method is meant to give you a better understanding of what posture "really is" as opposed to grandma's way of "get your shoulders back" postural thinking.

 The full book version will go into more detail for each area as well as ways to stay "aware" of your posture while moving throughout gravity.  There will be a plethora of photos and diagrams to help better explain the subtle nuances of this postural awareness.  Just Remember... "Movement is life"

This is how it works (meat and potatoes)
1. Stand with your feet parallel about 4-6 inches apart ( parallel means, really parallel) use a sheet of paper or the planks of wood in a hardwood floor to take away lateral rotation.
2. Squeeze your "Cheeks" (Glutes) your arches should feel like they are coming off the ground.
3. Squeeze your shoulder "Blades" together but don't arch your back.
4. Deep breath IN (open your ribs) and exhale
5 Repeat whenever possible, (recommended to do at least 5 per day.)

There you have it, "Feet, Cheeks & Blades" the basic version and it IS that simple!  The full reasons why and more detail of course is going to be in the book, it will be a very inexpensive download, will have information on intricate postural awareness that you can use for the rest of your life and at any time you would like.  Any body type can do it and everyone from children to pro athletes, to 90 year old grandparents can do this and it will benefit you greatly.

Thanks for reading and please check out my book:)

Much love and remember.., "Movement is Life"   


Tuesday, January 18, 2011